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Parents who chaperone at band camp will learn more about these teens in one week than the rest of their time in high school combined. Come and witness the growth, the traditions, and all the fun that make band camp a memorable experience for students and parents.
Are private lessons required?Lessons are not required. However, the single best way to maximize musicianship is to study privately with a qualified instructor. All students are encouraged to take private lessons regardless of their current skill level.
How much time should be spent practicing?Individual practice is an absolute necessity for personal and group improvement. Students should be practicing outside of school rehearsals at least 2 hours each week (approx. 20-30 minutes a day).
Are we required to participate in both marching and concert band?We believe that a complete education in band includes both the marching and concert band experiences. All students in the band program are expected to participate in both marching and concert band, with the following exceptions: Students who play a school-sponsored fall sport may participate in concert band only. Non-marchers may participate in individual or chamber music instruction during 5th period during marching band season. They are encouraged to receive private instruction and expected to practice during this time to further develop their playing skills. Color Guard members who do not play a wind or percussion instrument may participate in marching band only. Students who attend an approved technical school or other off-site alternative educational program (e.g., Tolles, Emerald Campus) that prevents 5th period attendance may participate in marching band only. Any other request for an exception must be submitted in writing to the band director. Requests are not guaranteed and will be carefully considered by the band directors and school administration. If you have any questions related to your child's participation in band, please Contact Mr. Abrams directly.
How do I find a qualified private instructor?Reach out to Mr. Abrams or Mr. Dillion. They keep a list of instructors in the area.
What are Row Dinners?Row Dinners (not Road Dinners) are a tradition that our founding band director, Brian Stevens, brought to Jerome from his days in The Ohio State University Marching Band. Each section or squad (called a "row" at OSU) eats together after school on football game days to encourage team bonding. Groups often decide to go to a local restaurant (so they will need money), but parents can also volunteer to host.
What should students have in their duffel bags?Always Carry: Hat/Hat Box Gauntlets Marching Gloves (2 pairs) Black Socks Band Shoes Band-Issued Raincoat Water Bottle Other Useful Items: Money for Concessions Snacks Basic Sundries (Chapstick, Sunscreen, Hand Sanitizer, Deodorant, Hand Warmers, etc.) Sweatshirt or Jacket Students should check and pack their duffel bag the night before every football game and competition to make sure they have shoes and clean black socks.
Does the band rehearse in the summer? Can we go on vacation?There are minimal summer commitments for band so that students may attend summer camps and spend time with their families. Students who are in town are expected to participate in Dublin's Independence Day Parade as well as all rehearsals preparing for it. This is excused for summer camps and family vacations only. The full ensemble’s rehearsal schedule begins in late July (two weeks before Band Camp) with New Member Camp and Pre-Camp.
What is a John Chuey?In 2023, a deer skull was found on a chaperone "land cruise" and given the name John Chuey. He has become the chaperone mascot for band camp and many legends about his origins are being shared. (Find a veteran band parent for the full story.) Now, at the Marching Band Banquet, we evoke his name to honor exceptional volunteers with a "Spirit of John Chuey" trophy to highlight our amazing parents and thank them for their service to the band.
Why do we need to report so early for a competition?Competition days require a lot of focus and teamwork to be successful. The band will always have a full rehearsal before each competition to prepare. After rehearsal, a meal is provided, then everyone helps to pack up and load everything they need for the show.
Are rehearsals before Band Camp required?Two weeks leading up to band camp, students are expected to attend pre-camp rehearsals to prepare for Band Camp. These are required, but can be excused for summer camps and family vacations with advanced permission from the director. New Member Camp – Two weeks before Band Camp July 21-24, 2025, M-Th 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Incoming Freshmen, students new to Dublin Jerome School, and the student leadership team are expected to attend the entire week. Student leaders learn important leadership skills, and new members will learn marching fundamentals. Other returning members join the second half of the week to review marching fundamentals and school songs. Pre-Camp – One week before Band Camp July 28-31, 2025, M-Th 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. All students are expected to attend Pre-Camp, and rehearsals will focus on the music and equipment work for the competition show.
What is Section Banner Painting?Each section (trumpets, flutes, color guard, etc.) chooses a theme and paints a Section Banner to represent it. Banner painting is hosted by an upperclassman and gets everyone involved before camp. At band camp, banners are on display in the dining hall. Chaperones vote for their favorite, and the winning section gets bragging rights and first dibs on pizza during skit night. Requirements: It should be painted on a twin size flat sheet. The Celtic Knot and Show Name should appear somewhere on the design. Section Name should be listed. Each Student in the section should be represented in some way with their name. Other common themes include a character representing the directors (Abrams and Dillion) and section helpers, but these are not required.
How often are rehearsals? Do we have to attend all of them?Band members are required to attend all rehearsals and performances. In addition to summer Pre-Camps and Band Camp, the weekly rehearsal schedule is as follows: Monday Wind Sectionals/Rehearsal 3:30-5:30 p.m. Tuesday Percussion and Guard Sectionals 3:30-5:30 p.m. Wednesday Full Ensemble Rehearsal 3:30-5:30 p.m. Thursday Full Ensemble Rehearsal 3:30-5:30 p.m. Friday Run-Throughs Before Football Games TBD Saturday Run-Throughs Before Competitions TBD, when applicable The full attendance policy as well as excused absence guidelines can be found in the Band Handbook on the Resources Page. If you need to arrange an absence, or if you have any questions or concerns, please Contact Mr. Abrams.
What are Row Decs?Row Decs are a competition day tradition in which one member of each squad provides low-cost gifts for the rest of their group. This starts with the squad leader then rotates among members until everyone has had an opportunity. Ideas include hats, headbands, candy, small novelty toys, or really anything your student might find fun.
Can we do marching band if we're in sports?It depends. Winter and spring sports do not conflict with marching band season, but if your child is in a fall sport (cross country, field hockey, football, golf, soccer, girls' tennis, or girls' volleyball), they will not be able to commit to both marching band and their respective sport. Anyone in a school-sponsored fall sport may still participate in concert and/or jazz band. If you have any questions about eligibility for band, please Contact Mr. Abrams.
What are Marching Band fees and how do we pay them?Fees help to cover the cost of a full season of marching band for each student. The breakdown for 2025 fees will be announced in April or May of 2025. Check made out to Dublin Music Boosters (Online Payments Coming Soon!) TBD Pay to Dublin City Schools through the PaySchools Portal Jerome Marching Band P2P - $40 If you need assistance covering any of these costs, the Dublin Music Boosters can help. Please, do not hesitate to Contact Mr. Abrams.
How long is the Color Guard season?The Color Guard season largely lines up with Marching Band. Sectionals begin in April (before the full band starts to rehearse) and will continue through the end of October, ending with OMEA State Marching Band Finals. Actual dates fluctuate with the school calendar and will be announced as soon as they are available.
Do I have to be in band to join Color Guard?No. Students who do not play a wind or percussion instrument may participate in Color Guard.
How often does Color Guard rehearse?Color Guard rehearsals begin in mid-July, three weeks before Band Camp. Color Guard Camp - Three weeks before Band Camp July 14-17, 2025, M-Th 5:00-8:30 p.m. All guard is expected to attend. This week is extremely important to the season as it focuses on learning the show. New Member Camp – Two weeks before Band Camp July 24, 2025, M-Th 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Guard members should attend the last day of New Member Camp. New members will learn marching fundamentals with the band. Other returning members may join to review marching fundamentals and school songs. Pre-Camp – One week before Band Camp July 28-31, 2025, M-Th 5:00-8:30 p.m. All Guard members are expected to attend Pre-Camp, and rehearsals will focus on the competition show. Band Camp August 3-9, 2025, Camp Swoneky In order to participate in the season, all members must attend Band Camp. Following camp, Color Guard sectionals are on Tuesdays (times TDB by the director) throughout the Marching Band season. They also rehearse with the full ensemble on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and competition Saturdays.
How do I join Color Guard?The best way to start is by attending one of the information sessions at your middle school in the spring. Current Color Guard students will share their experiences and explain the process. During the off-season, students and parents can also reach out to either Mr. Abrams or the color guard director, Megan Kuhn. Interested students should come to the first practice in late April/early May to register. (Exact date for 2025 TBD.) The first practice session focuses on answering questions and getting ready for the season.
What should we pack for band camp?There is a full packing list in the Band Camp Packet you received at New Parent Orientation. That packet can also be downloaded on the Resources Page.
When is Band Camp?Band Camp is the first full week of August each year. This year, it is August 3-9, 2025.
How are cabins assigned?There are separate areas of the campground for boys' and girls' cabins. Individual cabins are assigned by grade, with the exception being when one grade is so large they will not all fit in one cabin. In that case, a group of students may stay with the grade one year above or below them. Room assignments within the cabin are done alphabetically to make nightly attendance and coordination for the volunteers as smooth as possible. We cannot honor requests to move cabins or rooms without the express direction of Mr. Abrams. If you have concerns about cabin placement, please Contact Mr. Abrams directly.
How do I get my band camp forms notarized?Most banks will have a notary on site and, if you have an account with them, there is usually no fee. You can call your branch to find out. Select locations of the Columbus Metropolitan Library offer free notary services by appointment. Some school administrators have a notary license, so you can call any of the Dublin school offices to find out availability and pricing. UPS Stores offer notary services for a fee. At the First Rehearsal/Parent Meeting and again during Band Camp Check-In, we do our best to have several notaries available for anyone who still needs one. These are provided at no cost by band parents donating their time. In order to respect their time and keep lines short, we recommend having your forms notarized prior to coming if at all possible.
I'd like to volunteer for band camp, but I have limited vacation. What can I do?You can work at camp. Because the students are committed to rehearsals for most of the day, chaperones have most of their afternoons free to do remote work. Cabins are quiet during rehearsal, and there is a conference center with Wi-fi available. If remote work is not practical, there is also the option of volunteering a half week instead of the full week of camp. If being present at camp isn't possible at all, there are many ways to help such as purchasing Gatorade, snacks for the concession stand, or anything on our Amazon Wish List. Check out our Band Camp Chaperone page for more information.
Where is Band Camp?Band camp is at The Salvation Army's Camp Swoneky (pronounced swuh-ne-key), located at 605 Middleboro Rd, Oregonia, OH 45054, about an hour and a half southwest of Columbus. The campground is located 1 mile off of I-71 at the Wilmington Rd Exit, #36. Coming from Columbus, exit and turn right. Go to about 1/10th of a mile to Middleboro Rd and turn right. The camp entrance in 1 mile down the road, just past the children's farm.
What is Concert Attire and where do I get it?Formal concert attire can be ordered from our Cousin's Concert Attire online store, which will open after uniform fittings. This will take place around the start of the school year. Students may choose from any one of the following approved uniforms: A black tuxedo, white tux shirt, black cummerbund and bow tie. Long black cowl neck dress Black dress top and long black skirt Black dress top and black dress pants Students choosing the tuxedo must provide their own black dress socks and black dress shoes. Marching band shoes may be worn with the tuxedo. Students choosing a dress or other combination must provide their own black flat dress shoes. Marching band shoes may not be worn.
How will I know which band I will be in?After the marching season, auditions are held for all students. They are adjudicated by Jerome band staff and various local professionals who are proficient in a particular instrument. 10th, 11th, and 12th graders are placed in either Wind Symphony or Symphonic Band. Selections are made to balance instrumentation in each band and to assure that all students are placed into the ensemble that meets their needs and level of musical development. All 9th grade students will be placed in the Freshman Band. The day after auditions are complete, placement and chair results are posted in the hall outside the band room.
When are the concerts?The concert bands have several community performances each year in addition to District and State OMEA performances. Times and locations will be available on the calendar as soon as they are known.
Why are there three concert bands?Because of the size of Dublin Jerome, the full band is broken up into three bands for concert season to keep ensemble size manageable, maximize instruction, and allow students to study music that best matches their individual skill level. The three ensembles are: Wind Symphony (grades 10-12) - Directed by Mr. Micah Abrams Wind Symphony studies and performs OMEA Class A-AA (Grade 5) wind band literature. Repertoire includes a variety of compositions composed or arranged for the advanced high school or college wind band. Symphonic Band (grades 10-12) - Directed by Mr. Nicholas Dillion Symphonic Band studies and performs OMEA Class B (Grade 3.5-4) wind band literature. Repertoire will include a variety of compositions composed or arranged for the advanced high school wind band. Freshman Band (grade 9) - Directed by Mr. Abrams and Mr. Dillion Freshman Band studies and performs OMEA Class C (Grade 3) wind band literature. Repertoire will include a variety of compositions composed or arranged for the young high school wind band.
When and Where is the Solo and Ensemble Contest?It changes every year. As soon as the dates and times are posted, they will be available from Mr. Abrams.
Am I required to do Solo and Ensemble contests?Solo/Ensemble is not required. However, it is a wonderful opportunity to gain experience in an audition setting and get feedback on ways to improve musicianship, especially for those looking to extend their music education. Students who take private lessons will be highly encouraged by Mr. Abrams and their instructors to take part in this unique learning experience.
What is the dress code for Solo/Ensemble?Ladies may wear a nice dress or dress slacks and a dress shirt. Gentlemen should wear pants and a collared shirt (ties optional). Formal concert attire is not required.
Can I work at Band Camp?Yes, and a lot of our parents do! Because the students are committed to rehearsals for most of the day, chaperones have most of their afternoons free to do remote work. Cabins are quiet and empty during rehearsals, and there is also a conference center with Wi-fi available.
Do I have to be there all week?If your work schedule does not allow for you to chaperone for the full week, the band camp coordinators will find another parent that you can share duties with for the week: one for the first half of the week and one for the second half.
What does a Band Camp Chaperone do?The chaperone's primary role is to create a positive and safe atmosphere so that the instructors can concentrate on teaching, and the students can concentrate on learning. That mainly means providing an adult, parental presence at camp. Duties include: Monitoring the cabins and other areas Filling water bottles Supervising pool time Working the concession stand Making Gatorade It’s not all work, though! In addition to hanging out with the kids, chaperones have their own down time. They have been known to go on their own "Land Cruise" excursions and play riveting games, like the annual Carpet Ball tournament and lighting rounds of Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza. (Yes, those are real games.)
Do I need a background check? How do I get one?Every volunteer for Dublin City Schools must pass a background screening prior to working directly with students. This is especially necessary for those who volunteer for overnight chaperone duties at band camp. Dublin works with Secure Volunteer to ensure the safety of our students. If you are interested in volunteering at Band Camp and have not yet been through the process (or you need a renewal), you can begin here.
Will I be in my child's cabin?We cannot guarantee that you will be with your child, but the camp coordinators do their best to make accommodations for requests. The first priority is to ensure that each cabin is properly staffed. Also, keep in mind that while some students really want to be with their parent, others do not. We want band camp to be a positive experience for everyone.
JacketsSeniors have the option to purchase a senior jacket from Embroidery Design Group for $95 plus tax. It is a windbreaker jacket with jersey knit lining and is available with or without a hood. The front pocket area can be personalized with a name and/or graduation year. Samples to try on for size will be available at the Senior Luncheon. Senior Jackets are not included in senior fees, and because they are a custom item, are non-refundable.
Senior FeesThese fees cover the cost of many, but not all, of the senior activities listed below. Fees change from year to year depending on the costs of items, but we do our best to keep them as low as possible. This year's senior fee is $120.
Senior BoardsParents of seniors assemble a collage of 15-30 band related photos of their child onto a foam poster board. The boards are displayed in the commons on senior night and during the band banquet at the end of the marching band season. The cost of Senior Boards is not included in senior fees. You will also need to provide your own easel. ​ Kits for a 20"x30" or 24"x 36" board can be purchased from Creative Paper Arts. There will be a board making night on DATE HERE in their studio so you can get help and socialize with other parents. Please RSVP here.
Capes and KiltsCapes and Kilts is a band camp tradition. Each senior decorates a green cape (typically for ladies) or a green plaid kilt (typically for guys) that will be worn during the Senior Serenade on Friday night of band camp. The Senior Activities Committee purchases the capes and kilts and delivers them to students at the Senior Luncheon. Seniors should bring decorated capes/kilts to camp on a hanger. They will be displayed during dinner on Friday of camp, before the senior serenade. Decorations can range from plain to silly to very ornate. Students may trade their cape/kilt with another student and decorate for that friend, or decorate with a group, or decorate on their own. The cost of the cape/kilt is included in senior fees. However, any supplies used to decorate them are not. What do you wear with Capes and Kilts? With Kilt - white T-shirt With Cape - black T-shirt and shorts Decorating Suggestions: Things that work for decorating Puffy/fabric paint Sewing Glue Sequins or faux fur edging Fabric letters/light patches that hold meaning to the wearer Things that DON’T WORK Fabric pen (It doesn’t show up well and bleeds, especially on the capes.) Things that add weight (again, worse for the capes). It can get heavy and pull/choke.
The Golden LambEach year, on Wednesday of band camp, the seniors leave camp to have dinner together with the band directors in a private room at the Historic Golden Lamb Inn in Lebanon, Ohio. This is a wonderful tradition that the seniors look forward to celebrating. Individual and group photos will be taken before departure. The cost of this meal is included in senior fees. Dress Code Ladies may wear a nice summer dress or dress slacks and a dress shirt. Gentlemen should wear pants/khakis (no shorts) and a collared shirt (ties optional).
Senior NightThis year, Senior Night is October 5, 2024. Senior Night takes place during one of the home football games. Senior students are announced during pre-game and escorted down the 50-yard line by their families. Following the game, there is a cupcake reception in the school commons where senior posters and the capes/kilts from band camp will be on display. A more detailed timeline with instructions will be e-mailed to senior parents as the date approaches.
Senior BannersThe seniors will have their pictures taken in competition uniforms at uniform fittings. These pictures are used to make the Senior Banners that hang along the fence of the band practice field. Minor photo retouching may be available, but be sure hair and makeup look photoshoot ready! After marching band season, the banners will be sent home with the students as a keepsake of their senior season. (We recommend displaying it at your child's graduation party.) The cost of these is included in senior fees.
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OLD - Am I required to do Solo and Ensemble contests?No. Except... Students enrolled in Honors Band are required to perform at least one piece (Solo or Ensemble) in the local OMEA Solo and Ensemble contest. Students who take private lessons will also be highly encouraged by Mr. Abrams and their instructors to take part in this unique learning opportunity.
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